HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is to launch a new mandatory P87 form from 7 May to create a consistent standard for the P87s it receives.
What is a P87 form?
Workers and their agents can use a P87 form to claim tax relief on work expenses. The form can only be used to claim tax rebates for an employee, not if you are self-employed as this is done via the Self-Assessment system.
Taxpayers need to submit a separate P87 for each job they are claiming a tax refund for.
What is changing?
At the moment claims for income tax relief on employment expenses can be made using:
From 7 May 2022 claims for income tax relief on employment expenses can only be made on the standard P87 form, which can be found on GOV.UK.
HMRC will reject claims that are made on substitute claim forms, but the other options above will remain available.
Although this measure is due to be introduced later this year, the new P87 form is now live here.
Links: HMRC to mandate the format of claims for employment expenses
Jim Botton – Pleasure Beach (Skegness)