The Government is considering banning second home owners from renting out their properties on short-term letting websites.
The plans are being drawn up by ministers who are concerned about the growing number of people who are buying second homes as an investment and then renting them out on sites such as Airbnb.
This change would give regional mayors the power to restrict people from renting out second properties for less than 90 days. Landlords would instead have to apply for planning permission for a change of use.
There are fears that using short-term letting sites could lead to a shortage of homes for locals, as well as drive up home prices. The Government is also concerned about the safety of people who stay in rented properties and the fact that many of these properties do not have the necessary planning permission.
A consultation is due to be launched later this year, and it is possible that the ban could be introduced as early as next year.
Jim Botton – Pleasure Beach (Skegness)